Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cover Your Assets

Cover Your Assets

A Short Sale may or may not be your best option. Despite what you may have been told a short Sale will affect your credit. You can talk to your lender about reporting the default in a most favorable way.

It is better to sell your home by Short Sale using a Certified Short Sale Negotiator, then lose it in foreclosure in most instances. It is important that you understand what type or types of liens you have on your home. If you have a subordinate loan (2nd ) on your home, the second position lender can deny a short sale.

Homeowners who wish to select Short Sale for their home must be aware of all potential ramifications that may take place and weigh the pros and cons between foreclosure and short sale. Remember: Lenders may not forgive the entire debt.

As a Certified Short Sale Negotiator, I will share all potential hazards with you in detail, at no cost. Listing your home for a short sale is an important step but generally preferred over letting your home go at a foreclosure sale. Please take the time to review all your options. I offer the services to assist you in finding the correct option.

I am not an Attorney or CPA and I strongly urge every homeowner to seek legal counsel.
Please call 602-749-6040 find out about all your options at no cost and make an intelligent decision. I am here to help.

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