Monday, July 27, 2009

Mortgage & Real Estate Updates

New home construction was up 11% for last month! That's is great news for home buyers and sellers. Interest rates are holding firm at below 6% and we're finally starting to get a response from the banks on the loan modifications. If you are considering buying a new home now is a great time to take action. I can get you pre-qualified using the many tools available through the Mortgage Store USA and find the perfect home for you at the best price through our affiliation with HomeSmart. Check out my websites for more detailed information and search tools.

Remember I can give you the full service, one stop shopping you need in these busy times.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Changes in the Real Estate Market

Interest rates are holding steady but you can still find deals. Housing costs have come down somewhat more and there are many short sales to choose from. If you want help finding the right home for you I can show you the best matches for your home needs.

We have joined forces with Home Smart and soon we'll have a new website up and running.. This site will provide you the answers to you questions about short sales, foreclosures, what's available on the market right now.

As a Certified Short Sale Specialist, I know what it takes to get the job done and my years in the real estate and mortgage industries helps me help you! One of the most important pieces as that you are proactive. Don't wait until the moving truck is showing up at your door. If you are having financial problems now, call me and we'll work through your options. Be it a loan modification, refinance, short sales or outright sale. We cover all aspects of the home sale from start to finish. 480-588-6742 888-670-3775